J.B. Say deserves to be remembered, especially by Austrian economists, as a pivotal figure in the history of economic thought. Yet, one finds…
World News
The gold in the US gold reserve is a legacy of the time the US government refused to keep its promise to redeem…
While historian Walter A. McDougall was not a libertarian, nonetheless he had some Rothbardian insights on Woodrow Wilson and his reckless intervention into…
Although egalitarian interventionism constantly is wrecked on the shoals of reality, there is always a stable of new politicians eager to promote what…
Recorded in Tampa, Florida, on February 22, 2025.
For anyone who imagines that the US gold hoard might be used to pay off some significant portion of the national debt, this…
The world‘s trading systems are broken, thanks to fiat currencies and the reckless deficit spending by the US Government. There is a way…
Ryan is joined by Economist and Mises Institute Fellow Kristoffer Hansen to discuss what would have happened if Argentina President Javier Milei had…
The US government’s gold stockpile is not backing up the US dollar. The demand for US debt and currency is largely based on…
The US government’s gold stockpile is not supporting the US dollar. The demand for US debt and currency is largely based on the…